We Need Your Help TODAY

Do you have social media skills? Marketing skills? People skills? Research and policy skills? Writing or graphic design skills? We need you! We don’t have the deep pockets of the establishment parties who spend millions on expensive contractors. But we’ve got heart. We’ve got grass roots. We’ve got a community of like-minded individuals who want the flame of liberty to shine bright in New York State. We’ve got you. Register below to make a difference.

Register as a Volunteer Below

    Liberty is on the line in New York State. If we do the work, we’ve got a real shot at making impact in 2024, like never before.

    We’re serious about winning, and have a broad range of volunteers on our team, including people from across the political spectrum on our policy team and in other areas. There’s only one rule: you can be as liberal or conservative as you want; just don’t force your views on others.

    Let’s show the establishment that we matter.


    A New NY