
Fracking & Pipelines

Upstate New York is built on two valuable energy resources, the Marcellus and Utica shale deposits. In 2014, Governor Cuomo virtually boxed up New York fracking energy policy by banning the process. This was against the wishes of counties and municipalities already interested in developing new energy technologies. He also stonewalled new natural gas pipelines by refusing to issue permits for them, despite zero justification for doing so. As with the ban, this action was also against the recommendation his own NY Public Service Commission appointees. Governor Sharpe is prepared to reverse these standards and policies to promote greater energy supply which, in turn, will help stabilize and lower costs. These measures include:

1) Allowing individual counties and municipalities the opportunity to choose whether or not to allow fracking, as well as creating the necessary zoning laws associated with such choices. As governor, Sharpe will provide an 18 to 24 month timeline for lifting the fracking moratorium altogether.

2) Energy projects meeting current environmental laws and those that already have the approval of other state and federal agencies will not be vetoed by Governor Sharpe. Companies must have confidence that our procedures and laws will not be overruled by corrupt officials only looking out for their own personal gains.

3) Allowing the expansion of existing energy corridors to enable the necessary growth to meet New Yorkers’ energy needs. In some areas, new power lines and pipelines are not built simply because the current corridor cannot safely accommodate them- this must change.

Impending Long Island Oil Crisis

New York faces high energy costs that are likely to continue soaring. It was recently determined New York will close the Indian Point nuclear facility and new mandates were passed demanding 50% of its energy come from renewable sources by 2030. According to the US Energy Information Administration, New York has the 8th highest average retail price for electricity, negatively impacting businesses and individuals, especially people with low or fixed incomes. It is imperative that we lower our carbon footprint by increasing efficiencies and consider option that will make energy more affordable. Some considerations Larry Sharpe will bring to the table include the following:

1) New York burns diesel fuel for electricity during heavy electricity demand periods. Allowing more natural gas pipelines or small scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants will eliminate this need.

2) We must expand supply markets and benefit from the resulting lowers costs, especially on Long Island, where residents pay the highest prices for electrical power and heating oil across the entire state.

3) Fostering innovation across all energy sectors, including nuclear, is an absolute necessity. Existing nuclear designs are uneconomical and lack safety, but new designs, like thorium-salt reactors, have great potential.

Click here to review a q & a that can provide answers beyond the policies discussed above.

Click here to read a research-intensive policy “white paper” that identifies data and sources in support of the above Fracking policy measures.

Click here to read a research-intensive policy “white paper” that identifies data and sources in support of the above Pipeline policy measures.